Turkey opens border for 60,000 Syrian Kurdish refugees
Everyman Cinema pops up at Selfridges
The Next Web
A practical guide to writing an effective social media policy tnw.co/1p5S3TP pic.twitter.com/Lk8gKC1mku
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Leaaa ♡
Deffo the best night of my life 😍 @sugarhut @kirk_official @micky_norcross @MariaFowler is pure stunning!! 😍 pic.twitter.com/ELQO6nmrhv
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BBC Radio 4 Today
The rediscovered beetle collection of Victorian explorer Dr David Livingstone. pic.twitter.com/xg46Dcvm3h
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Channel 4 News
"The dignity of his going describes the man. History will mark what he achieved."
@jonsnowC4 on @AlexSalmond
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