Twitter tips: Make Twitter even better with a few simple tricks.
How to talk Twitter
From hashtags to Retweets, there are a few key terms to know to help make your Twitter experience complete.
Retweet: Share the good stuff
When you come across a Tweet worth sharing, click the Retweet icon to share it with the people who follow you. You can add a comment or just show it on its own: totally your call.
Find Tweets to share
Hashtags: Find what you're looking for
Hashtags are a way to find Tweets about a subject (or help other people find your Tweet). The hashtag symbol + any word will add a tag to the Tweet, so everyone talking about #kittens, for example, can all join in the conversation together.
Find what you're looking for
Reply and mentions
Connecting with people on Twitter is as easy as an @ symbol. To reply to someone's Tweet, just click the reply icon. If you want to note someone else in your own Tweet, just add an @ and their username, and they'll get notified about what you wrote.
See what's new
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