
World Glaucoma Week is a global initiative of the World Glaucoma Association (WGA) in order to raise awareness on glaucoma. Through a series of engaging worldwide activities, patients, eye-care providers, health officials and the general public are invited to contribute to sight preservation. The goal is to alert everyone to have regular eye (and optic nerve) checks in order to detect glaucoma as early as possible.

Eliminate glaucoma blindness

To eliminate glaucoma blindness, there are several issues that need to be addressed. Glaucoma usually gives no warning until it is advanced, but the damage it causes to vision is ongoing and could become irreversible. Fortunately, for many patients treatment can halt the damage. That means the earlier the diagnosis, the more vision there is to save and the less likely the person is to become blind. Therefore, the World Glaucoma Week aims at alerting members of the broader community to the need for regular simple eye checks, which allow earlier detection and, hence, saved sight.

At AMARA MEDICARE, we will be participating in a series of events (talk shows, lectures, onsite and offsite screenings) during the month of March to stimulate awareness and dialogue as part of our shared commitment to improving glaucoma care for patients in Nigeria. In this regard, kindly reach out if you would like to organize a free screening or lecture for your organization or company.
